R Packages
The tsmodels repo comprises the following packages, all of which are currently on github and slowly making it to CRAN:
Package | Repository | Description |
tsmethods | CRAN | Generic methods for use in a time series probabilistic framework, allowing for a common calling convention across packages. Additional methods for time series prediction ensembles and probabilistic plotting of predictions is included. |
tsdistributions | CRAN | Location-Scale based distributions parameterized in terms of mean, standard deviation, skew and shape parameters and estimation using automatic differentiation. Includes various distributions such as Normal, Student, GED, etc. |
tsarma | Github | Autoregressive Moving Average Models. Estimation, filtering, prediction, simulation and diagnostics. |
tsgarch | CRAN | GARCH models with a large choice of conditional distributions. Methods for specification, estimation, prediction, filtering, simulation, and statistical testing. |
tsmarch | CRAN | Multivariate ARCH models including DCC, Copula GARCH, and Generalized Orthogonal GARCH with Generalized Hyperbolic distribution. Works with the tsgarch package. |
tstests | CRAN | Goodness of Fit and Forecast Evaluation Tests for time series models. Includes various tests for value at risk and expected shortfall evaluation. |
RcppBessel | CRAN | Exports an ‘Rcpp’ interface for Bessel functions in the ‘Bessel’ package, callable from ‘C++’ code of other packages. |
tsdatasets | Github | Sample time series datasets. |
tssimulator | Github | Easy generation of random time series under various dynamics and mixtures. |
tsaux | Github | General-purpose calendar and auxiliary functions, including outlier detection and transformations. |
tsets | Github | Exponential Smoothing (ETS) models. Estimation, prediction, simulation, and inference. |
tsissm | Github | Unobserved Components Model using the Linear Innovation State Space representation. |
tsvets | Github | Vector Exponential Smoothing Models. Estimation with automatic differentiation. |
tsforeign | Github | Wrappers for models in other packages to conform to the unified time series framework. |
tsgam | Github | Wrappers for GAM models in the ‘mgcv’ package. |
tscausal | Github | Time Series based causal inference using any predictive distribution. |
parma | CRAN | Provides models and methods for capital allocation in financial portfolios. Implements fractional-based programming for risk-to-reward ratio optimization. |
Rsolnp | CRAN | General non-linear optimization using the Augmented Lagrange Multiplier method. |
There are still some packages which have yet to be migrated to Github from my old bitbucket account including the twinkle (STARMA), dbm (dynamic binary model) and racd (autoregressive conditional density) packages. These currently may not even build as they have not been updated in over a decade.
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